miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

hello beautiful and friendly classmates:

as you know the semester is running out and this really makes me very sad. I think it was an experience not to be repeated, I hope.  I think this course has helped me to talk and meet many people, I think it also serves to ambientarte with people from other years.
I personally believe that the English language is a very useful for various areas and mainly professionally but I prefer a million times the Spanish that unlike the English if a language is beautiful.
but I must learn English the same way as it is a useful language I'll have to use a lot in matters related to archeology, since most of the publications are in English, this semester has helped me to reinforce reading different papers in English, in different fields such as evolution, archeology and other subjects.
With respect to the blog I think its use is a good tool for learning English, mainly my biggest flaw of writing and speaking, and I personally think I can read very well and I think writing is one of the best weapons to learn quickly, and I find that the video recording is very important for learning.

I personally believe that the momentum generated in the course of English is very different from what was seen in the school, perhaps by the small number of students.
I would like to increase my level of English in the ways I write as I speak and I think some of the mechanisms that we have developed here have been used to help those points.

Generally occupied the English when I see basketball games usually are transmitted in English, also to read some stories or read an article or scientific news. I like to watch movies or series in its original language and two and a half man or walking dead

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Hello hello e.e today I will talk about important news happened in England:
This is the link of the new for more information: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/nov/21/children-commissioner-defends-sex-abuse-report

According to studies by a social center and track a case of child prostitution in England. The report revealed that 16,500 children were at high risk of sexual exploitation and 2,409 had been sexually exploited in a 14-month period.
The deputy children's commissioner Sue Berelowitz who led an investigation into a network of English and Pakistani men said the inquiry panel had been "completely transparent" and had met government ministries including the departments of education, communities and local government, health, the Ministry of Justice and the Home Office in the past 12 months.

agencies took charge of this research argued that one of the 11 indicators were commonly reported including running away, drug or alcohol misuse and criminality. If children displayed three of these indicators they were deemed at "high risk" of being sexually exploited.
Besides other data indicate that the report identified 1,514 perpetrators, of which 43% were white and 33% were "Asian" (compared to 87% and 7% of the population).

Personally I think for a country that is supposed developed, these figures are truly alarming, besides being a great number of cases, the state's responsibility to prevent such cases was downright violated. As a society we need to take care of these problems, giving the respective rights of these children and give them a normal life and integrated initially with no problems and later alcohol problems of this nature.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

My favorite movie: Is the saga of “Back to the future”
This movie is a classical saga of the 80’s decade; I saw this movie in my childhood with my family in a classical Sunday night.  I very much enjoyed that movie, because for the 90 still was a good example of special effects. The protagonists of the movie with Michael j. Fox as Marty McFly, Christopher Lloyd as Doc Emmett Brown and other characters such as Marty's girlfriend and family Tannen. This film belongs to the genre of science fiction as it proposes a world with more technology when they travel the future with the DeLorean DMC-12. This movie is about a young guy named Martin, middle class in America, the Professor Emmett Brown knows this and asks for help for time travel. The car must reach 88 miles per hour for the time machine to operate. When both are set to travel to 1955 are terrorists and kill Doc, Marty is looking for escape in the DeLorean and reaches 88 miles per hour with a year fixed. Marty past goes through many adventures, until he gets contact this doc from the past to help him back to 1985.
I really liked this movie because the plot was very entertaining, and there was a lot things apart is the beginning of an entertaining and interesting saga.

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012

Hello everyone, today I will talk about the best Chilean for me in all the time: I think that the best Chilean is Condorito, because he is representative for the Chilean culture.
Condorito is a comic strip that features an anthropomorphic condor living in a fictitious town named Pelotillehue. Condorito was created by the Chilean cartoonist know as Pepo.
Condorito like a character represent the Chilean culture of the XX century thought different jokes and different things like represent the Chilean wear with his famous “ojotas”.  He represents the “huaso chileno”. He has a girlfriend named Yayita and a nephew names Cone, this character is famous with Condorito because they have a lot of Comics where they are evolved in a lot of comic situations specially when Condorito go to the school and he jokes with the Cone’s teacher.
The great majority of Condorito’s jokes are centered in jokes to his friend Ungenio Gonzalez and others topic of the Chilean culture in this year’s like jokes about crazy people, drunken people, infidelity, sexism, and other etnic group of people, medicals and sick people and farmers.
I have a lot of questions for Condorito like what is the significance of the onomatopoeia Plop! And what is the precedence of it. Other question that I have is where is the Cone parents and because he doesn’t have a son in the more than fifty years of his story.
I think that Condorito is a real good Chilean and I hope you like him too.

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012

Today I will talk about from the best present that I received:
I don’t know really what my favorite present is but I talk about the present that in the moment make me happier than others that I received.  This present is a gift that I give to me in my 17th birthday.  This present is my favorite shoes of basketball the Air Max LeBron James VII EBay special edition. In this times and now also, I’m a basketball fan and specially a LeBron James fan. In the 2011 this shoes are the latest release of The LeBron James shoes and I have a lot of expectancy about the new design and new technologies applied in the shoe. First the shoe have an Air Max sole, this is an air capsule that allow reduce the impact in the falls making it perfect to my knees problem moreover this shoes are the first that applied the Fly Wire technology that allow minimize the weight of the shoe.
I buy this shoes and in a little time after I decide my retirement of the semipro basketball. For a long time the shoes are a piece of my collection but now I use it every weekend to play in the amateur league of Talagante.

miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

The evolution of language:

In agree with Mark Paguel I think that the language play a very important role in the human evolution, the language for me make the thought and without this, the human (like we know now) would not exist.
This is for the language make an identity and a make unity in the people that speak this language. The language is a very important tool for the human; this tool is the cornerstone in that we know like a society. The language moreover that build society build too culture, the foundation of the culture.
If the language creates culture and the culture build identity we can considerer the language like a very important piece in the way that the human build his identity. One type of language is sometimes only understood in the community of his origin. Even the same language has differences in the same country, like Chile. In this country the differences of language are very significant in different points of the territory. The Spanish that the northern people talk or southern talk have a little differences, and this is reflected in the way that the different places build culture. So that’s why we can talk about the different cultures of Chile in the way that the language changes in the different places of Chile.

miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

Hello, today I will talk about my laborious nationals holidays:

The last years for me in this dates, have been somewhat laborious. I see the nationals holidays like an oportunity to make money easily. In the nationals holidays I work in the Fondas e.e, specifically in the fonda for the grandmother of my best friend Daniel (Kerchack). I work here with the reason to make money for my holidays in the summer.  In the fondas I work with others friends and we try to make more funny the work. Usually a day of work begins at the 11 a.m. and finish around the 1:30 or 2 A.M. nearly a 14 hours of work :(. My role in the job is a multifacetical work, usually my job is be a waiter, but sometimes I work in the bar sellying drinks. The most famous drink in the fonda is the Terremoto, also the special drink of the "Don Chago's Fonda" is the Viejo Verde, a special mixture of mint, tequila, pineapple ice cream and the traditional chilean drink the famous pipeño.
Other job in the fonda is make the skewed meat in the grill, this is the better job because you can eat a lot of meat jjajajaj but my favourite food of the chilean culture is the empanada e__e.

Sinerely I think that my nationals holidays are really bored and I hope that yours holidays have been more funny than my bored and laborious Fiestas Patrias celebration.